Water Treatment Plant 2023
Click the months below to filter through construction photos.

Double Checking Equipment in Chemical Storage Area

Paving Facility Streets

Grounding Lights Flocculation Sedimentation Bldg

Finish Work Admin Ops Bldg


Double Checking Equipment in Chemical Storage Area

Paving Facility Streets

Grounding Lights Flocculation Sedimentation Bldg

Finish Work Admin Ops Bldg


Flocculation Sedimentation Structure Drained Pressure Washed

Electricians working Multi-purpose-room Admin Ops Bldg

Lime Silo

Pipe Gallery Ozone Contactors Filters Structure

Process Piping Coated at Flow-Split Facility

VT Pumps Finish Water Pump Station

Disinfection of Water Reservoir Tank

Cutting Roadways Around the Site

Pressure Washing Chemical Tanks

Touch up painting submerged pipe Ozone Contactors

Chemical Storage Building

Lighting and Ceiling Installation Multi-Purpose-Room at Admin Ops Bldg

Lockers Installed in Admin-Ops Bldg




Coating Process Piping at the Flow Split Facility


Admin Bldg Lab Set Up

Site Grading to prep for Paving

Plate Settlers running-in Flocculation Sedimentation Structure

Lime Silo Chemical Storage Tank

Trough Drains Ozone Contactors Filters Structure

Plate Settlers Flocculation Sedimentation Structure

Bathroom Tile Admin Ops Bldg

Cabinet Installation in the Lab Admin and Ops Bldg

Insulated Piping Ozone Contactors and Filters

Site Grading and Road Work

Flooring Installed in Admin Ops Bldg

Tile Installation inside Admin and Operations Bldg


Monopole Installation

Satellite Installation on Monopole

Canopy Roof over Pipe Gallery Ozone Contactors

Completion of Ozone Contactors Filters Canopy over Pipe Gallery

Flocculation Sedimentation Bay with Pipe Settlers Filled with Water

Roof Installed over Pipe Gallery at Ozone Contactors Bldg

Vertical Turbine Pumps at Finished Water Pump Station

Ozone Contactors and Filters Roofing Panels over Pipe Gallery

Ladder installation at Lime Silo

Ozone Contactors Filters Canopy Framing at Pipe Gallery

Generators in place

Cabinetry installation in multipurpose room at Op Bldg.

Troughs in place Ozone Filters

Troughs hoiseted by crane into place at Op Bldg.


Ladder installation at Lime Silo

Operations building storefront looking out from the inside

Storefront Installation Admin Bldg

Concrete Placement Maintenance Bldg

Vertical Turbine Pumps Finish Water Pump Station

Installing Insulation Maintenance Bldg

Bridge Walkway BackWash Equalizer

Exterior Glazing Installation Admin Ops Bldg

HVAC Hook up for AC Finish Water Pump Station

Storefront Window Installation Admin Ops Bldg

Onsite Training for Valve Operations Ozone Contactors PipeGallery

Pipe Support Flow Split Facility


Lime Silo being painted

Painting Operations Bldg Door Frames

Welding Stairs at Flocculation Sedimentation

Stair Installation Flocculation Sedimentation Structure

Rebar Installation

Concrete Placement Flocculation Sedimentation

Stairs Installed Flocculation Sedimentation Structure


Lime Silo

Window Frame Installation Operations Bldg

Aggregate Base Density Testing West Side Operations Bldg

Tuolumne River Rising at Water Treatment Plant

Rebar and Formwork installed at WTP Generator Pad

City of Turlock working with Contractor to make the WTP more user friendly

Drying Beds Full of Rainwater


Raw Water Outfall Structure

Roof Panel Installation Ops Admin Bldg

Stairs Installed at Flocculation Sedimentation

Prep for Concrete Slab Placement FWPS

Insulated Roofing Panel Installation Ops and Admin bldg

Prepping Subgrade for Concrete Placement FWPS

Concrete poured around light pole bases

Maintenance Repair metal building trim work underway

Veneer installation at the Admin Operations Building

Electrical duct banks around job site


Sheet rock installation at the Maintenance and Repair Building

Pipe installation at the Rapid Mix Tank

48” valve installation at the Flow Split Facility

The Drying beds are almost full from the recent rains

Installing final pipes from the Rapid Mix to the Flocculation Sedimentation structure.

Clearwell is completely backfilled

Ozone Contactors structure: concrete is complete and tank has been filled.

Chemical Building: sheet rock being installed.

Ozone Contactors pipe gallery.