Aggregate Base Density Testing West Side Operations Bldg
Tuolumne River Rising at Water Treatment Plant
Rebar and Formwork installed at WTP Generator Pad
City of Turlock working with Contractor to make the WTP more user friendly
Drying Beds Full of Rainwater
Raw Water Outfall Structure
Roof Panel Installation Ops Admin Bldg
Stairs Installed at Flocculation Sedimentation
Prep for Concrete Slab Placement FWPS
Insulated Roofing Panel Installation Ops and Admin bldg
Prepping Subgrade for Concrete Placement FWPS
Concrete poured around light pole bases
Maintenance Repair metal building trim work underway
Veneer installation at the Admin Operations Building
Electrical duct banks around job site
Sheet rock installation at the Maintenance and Repair Building
Pipe installation at the Rapid Mix Tank
48” valve installation at the Flow Split Facility
The Drying beds are almost full from the recent rains
Installing final pipes from the Rapid Mix to the Flocculation Sedimentation structure.
Clearwell is completely backfilled
Ozone Contactors structure: concrete is complete and tank has been filled.
Chemical Building: sheet rock being installed.
Ozone Contactors pipe gallery.
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Stanislaus Regional Water Authority (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all
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